Teks Penggambaran Sesuatu | Descriptive Text

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Yup teks yang menggambarkan objek. Langsung aja dah cek infonya.

Descriptive Text

A. Definition
Descriptive text is a text which says what a person orthing is like.
B. The communicative purpose
To describe a specific/particular person, animal, animal,or thing.
C.  GenericStructure
a)    Identification  : Identifies phenomenon to be described
b)    Description      : Describes parts, qualities, andcharacteristics.
D. Language Features
a)    Focuson specific participants
b)    Useof simple present tense
c)    Useof adjective
E. Examples:
Example I

It is about the greatest football player in the world.All female fans must agree that he is a good looking player. He is about 24years of age and is not tall enough as a striker. He has cute face with pointednose, brown eyes, and chubby cheeks. His skin is light, and he has short,straight, and black hair. His sweet smile will make female fans crazy abouthim. He has not only good physical appearance but also good personality. He isnot arrogant even though he gets much compliment and receives many awards suchas Ballon D’Or Award, Golden Ball Award, and the best player in the world. Hekeeps down to the earth. Another wonderful thing is his outstanding performanceon the green field. He always plays well for his team. With his amazing speedand skill, he scores goal almost in every match. No wonder if he was the topscorer in La Liga, and became the best player in the world in 2010. His latestachievement is he scored two goals when his team bit Santos in FIFA Club WorldCup. Barcelona is the team he plays for. Who is He?
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March 1, 2018 at 10:05 PM ×

mantap gan akhirnya ngerti juga

Congrats bro anakkendali you got PERTAMAX...! hehehehe...

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